Monday 18 January 2010

Location Photography

For part of the brief we had to find and Photograph an object lit by the following light souces. Sodium, Halogen, Incandescent and Flourescent. I used the same object and used these lights to
that effect.

This has been shot using Sodium lighting. It has an orange glare. Examples of sodium lighting are Street lights. This image was shot using F8 and was shot at 1/60


This is halogen/Tungsten lighting or a site lamp or work lamp. This was shot with f5 with 1/50


This image was shot with a fluorescent tube and has a blue/gray color in the background. This image was shot at f7.1 and 1/15


Incandescent lighting is just like a bulb at home and offers a warm light in the background. This image was shot at f6.3 and 1/25

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