Wednesday 2 December 2009

Bottle Photographs (Studio)

For part of Andy's brief we had to take some Photographs in the studio of a green bottle and use the following light sources. Softbox (Masked), Honeycomb, Umbrella and Beauty Dish. Here is what i produced.

Soft-box (Masked)
The settings i used to take this shot were ISO 100 f 5.6 and 1/80. I put the soft box to the left of the bottle which creates a small shadow to the right hand side of the bottle


To create this shot i placed a umbrella in front of the light source and reversed the light to face the bottle. The settings used were ISO 100 F 5.6 1/40

Beauty Dish

For this shot i placed a beauty dish in front of the light source. The ISO was 100 F 5.6 and 1/40


For this shot i placed a honeycomb template in front of the beauty dish. The settings were again ISO 100 F 5.6 and 1/40

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