Tuesday 8 December 2009

Studio Lighting Techniques

In Andy's lesson on the 14th of October we went in to the studio and using Russell as a model we took various shots of him in different lighting positions. Here are a few shots taken from that day

Shot One

For this shot there was a light shining in front of Russell's face and a side reflector was also used. The face is well lit as is the background. The settings used were f 5.3 and 1/125

Shot Two

Being in front of the window allows a good source of light to come in. There was a light shining in front of Russell. Two side reflectors were also used. This photo looks good and appears natural. The settings used were f 5.6 and 1/125

Shot Three

This time there was no light and we just used the light from the windows to light Russell as well as the reflectors. The image is a lot darker in his face. The settings were F 5.3 and 1/125 shutter speed.

Shot Four

For this shot a flourecent light was put to the right hand side of Russell's face. This obviously only lit half of his face and the other side is shadowed and very dark. The settings didn't change and stayed at F 5.3 and 1/125 shutter speed.

Shot Five

For this shot a light was below Russell and shining up towards his face. This shot is well lit in the face with just a shade of shadow appearing in the forehead. The settings used were F 5.6 and 1/125 shutter speed.

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