Tuesday 27 April 2010

People Brief- Fine Art Set One (Model- Becky)

On Wednesday 22nd April 2010 I had a Photo Shoot with my model Becky for the use of Fine Art portraits. I did three separate shoots using different lighting setups and Becky had brought a selection of outfits to change in to. With every shot came different camera angles and different settings. In one shoot I had a light placed facing the curve wall with a blue gel in front of the light. When I took the image my idea was to have a blue background to give the images a bit of variety and their own identity. At first I struggled with the settings and kept having to change the strength of the lights to try to gain the blue effect I was after. Eventually after snapping away and altering my settings on every shot and moving the position of the light every so often I finally found the effect that I was after.
However after looking at my selection of shots I realize that these images do not fall in to the category of 'Fine Art' as there is no significant style in the work, it is just a model in a studio rather than a creative style that I as a photographer has an interest in.

Fine Art Set One

Studio Set Up 1/250 f 5.6

For the First shot I had the studio set up with a Beauty Dish and a Umbrella. Although my model is stood behind the Umbrella she didn't stand here for the shoot.

This was a test shot to establish the best settings to use. This was shot at 1/250 and f 5.6. I like the background color in this shot and I think the slight grey blend at the bottom gives the image character.

This image was taken at 1/200 and at f 5.6.
I think the background is too light and the face is too bright using this setting

This image was taken using settings 1/250 and f 5.6
This image didn't work out how I planned, the light is too dark. This is due to me moving my model in the wrong position away from the light.

This was shot using settings 1/250 and f 5.6
I like the color tone on both background and skin tone in this image, the face is lit well as is the background.

This was shot using settings 1/250 and f 5.6
This was a shot to test the lighting and to see how it looked. I like the lighting of the face and the background,

During this particular shoot I found that the best camera setting for my lighting set up was 1/250 shutter speed with the f stop on 5.6. I feel that this gives the best color on both model and background

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