Tuesday 27 April 2010

People Brief-Fine Art Set Two

Fine Art Set Two

These images are taken from my second shoot with my model Becky.

This time I shot using two lights. I used a snoot on one side and on the other side I used a Spill Kill. I used these two lights as I wanted to try to achieve a spotlight effect.
The first shot was taken using settings 1/100 and f 5.6.

This was shot using settings 1/250 and f 5.6. As you can see it is the incorrect setting to use as you cannot see much, so I decided to use 1/100 using f 5.6

Again this image was shot using 1/250 and f 5.6 and it is the incorrect settings to use as you cannot see my model clearly at all.

This image was taken using the settings 1/100 and f 5.6. Because of the positioning of my model the right side of her face is too shadowed. This is due to the flash coming from her left hand side giving more light to the left side of the face.

Again the settings used were 1/100 and f 5.6. I like the light on the model better in this image. The background lighting is nice too and both lighting set-ups have a good blend together.

Yet again my positioning of my model has caused the image to be too dark. The setting of 1/100 and f 5.6 are correct but the positioning of the model away from the light means that the face is not lit enough. This is probably due to my model having her back turned away from the camera.

This image was again shot using the settings 1/100 and f 5.6. I think the image is Ok, the background is lit well and the face is lit quite well. The shadow caused by the hair in front of the face looks good but could have been avoided.

Overall in this shoot I think that the setting 1/100 and f 5.6 worked the best. 1/250 using f 5.6 was too dark and didn't work at all

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