Tuesday 27 April 2010

People Brief- Overcoming Problems

One of the most challenging things in this brief has to be getting hold of people to photograph. I have been let down countless times by people who I had arranged to do a shoot with. I did manage to re-schedule some shoots for a later date but in general being let down by people has been a problem. However I did have many ideas generated and there are lots of different people who I can photograph. So far I am planning to Photograph a Hairdresser, a Sky Retail worker, a Bolton Council worker and a Joiner. However these ideas may change due to peoples availability and also a limited time scale that may occur. I have also been trying to create a photograph for the use of fine art portraiture. I have also Photographed a girl who work's for 'Pets at Home' again this changed and I had to kindly ask this girl after being let down

I am experimenting with every category of Fine Art, Candid, Corporate and Environmental Portraiture. I feel more comfortable though with Environmental Portraiture and will focus on this subject as my final eight photographs.

I have found Candid Photography quite challenging as it is difficult to Photograph somebody without them looking at the camera. I also feel as if I am spying on people and invading their privacy, but it is a problem I will overcome and will achieve the images I set out to take.

I understand the importance of photographing environmental portraiture correctly and that the person in the photo is not the important part of the image but in fact the working environment that is indeed important.

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