Tuesday 20 April 2010

People Brief- Fine Art

I have been looking at examples of fine art portraiture and studio lighting set up's to give me ideas before I shoot my own fine art images.

Below is the first examples that I found. I really like the idea of coloring the background and I am looking in to recreating something similar in the studio if possible. The color of the girls top blends in well with the background. I don't think I would need as many lights as in this shot but I will experiment as I go along trying out different ideas.

Below is my second example and the image is completely different and in a different style. Less lights have been used on the model and the use of a white background and white dress works well. The skin tone on the model gives the image more character and also the red handbag makes the image complete.

The third example below is very simple but the photograph works well. Yet again the color of the dress blends in with the color of the wall but I don't think it looks out of place. The lighting on the model and her skin tone give the image character and I think it works well.

The fourth image is completely different from the other images. First of all the black dress and red ribbon stand out in the dark creme color background and the models hair is also a feature in the background . Although the model is looking away I think the image works well.

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