Wednesday 3 March 2010

People Brief - Environmental Portrait Research

I have found a few images that are related to environmental portraiture. I have chosen these images as I want to look at how these images can be taken and the ways that different environmental images compare. An Environmental Portrait is a Portrait that is focused on the subjects usual environment such as a workplace or their home. The image is supposed to illuminate the subjects life and surroundings. However it is important to stress that the person in the image is not the key figure in the photograph. The surroundings that you put your model in are key because the background is bigger tha the person in the shot.

This is a good example to show an environmental portrait of a fireman at work. It is different than just showing him in a uniform next to a Fire Engine. The Fireman isn't the main focus in the image. The hosepipe and water distract from the fireman, I think it is a great shot and i just looking at it is already making me think outside the box for my ideas.

This image is very different from the other image of the fireman. It is a simple shot of a fruit and vegetable seller on a market. The image is good in black and white and looks really different. It is a slight twist on a traditional shot of a fruit and veg stand and the lack of color is brilliant

The style of this image is what i am looking for when i take my image of the barmaid. I want my image to represent the job that she is doing. In this image the gentleman is seen to be operating the till. I want my model to also be active. I want my model to be pouring a beer or posing next to a beer pump to identify that she is a barmaid and is connected to the industry.

The idea of photographing somebody in a studio can seem daunting to the model or individual involved. The lights being on them and the surroundings can make them feel uneasy. Location photography or photographing a model in their environment can make them feel at home and they will instantly become more relaxed.

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