Tuesday 2 March 2010

Places Brief-A significent place

A significant place to me over the years has been my former place of work and local pub 'The Old School House' in Bradshaw Bolton. I worked here for over 5 years and drank there for the same period. I had many happy times there but unfortunately it had to close down in November last year.

The memories that I had here and the friends that I made will be with me for years to come. Unfortunately the building that used to be vibrant and full of life is now an empty mess and has just been abandoned. I want to show the building and the mess it has been left in. I hope to also go inside the building which is now just an empty shell. The bar are remains in place but all tables and chairs have been sold. There is no lighting in the building only natural light that creeps in through the windows.

'The Old School House' is a grade two listed building and cannot be demolished. It is called 'The Old School House' as it used to be the local primary school and used to contain lot's of historical items that were used in the school. In the 1960's it was an aquarium and also supplied items for fisherman at the nearby fishing lodge. Eventually it became a Beefeater restaurant in the 1980's and became 'The Old School House' in the year 2000

This image shows the front of the building. Benches and a small beer garden have been replaced by a blue plastic sheet and rubbish.

Another place that is significent to me is my street. I have lived in the area for 22 years and I have seen many changes over the years. I plan to show my street maybe taken from one side and shoot the whole street from top to bottom. My other idea is to show the view from my back garden. I have a good view from my garden and can see right up the back streets. One idea that I love is to show the street on collection day when everybody's dustbin's are out. I think the image would look spectacular.

This is just a plain image of my street used just for experimental reasons, this will not appear in my final section of images

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