Tuesday 2 March 2010

Places Brief- An Introduction

For my places brief I have to take 8 photographs. The photographs that I take must be under the following criteria.

  1. The City/Urban - Images of places that i like or find relevant taken in a City environment. I have some photographs of Old Trafford that I want to use for this project that falls nicely in to this category.
  2. The Wilderness - Images of a place such as a river, I have a big pond at the back of my house that I have ideas for. Around my village where i live i am surrounded by lots of hills and woodland areas. I feel that shots taken in these areas could look spectacular.
  3. An Alien Environment - A place that I am not familar with, for example I am Alien to Manchester City Centre. I am not from there and only visit every so often.
  4. A significant place- I have ideas to show my former workplace and former local Pub in this section. I also plan to photograph my street as I have lived here all my life as it is significant to me.

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