Tuesday 9 March 2010

Places Research- Mark Power

Mark Power was born in Harpenden in 1959.

Having discovered his father's old enlarger in the family attic as a child Mark Power had discovered Photography. However he didn't choose to go in to Photography straight away and decided to go in to Illustration and did life drawings and paintings.

Mark Power finally became a Photographer in 1983 and worked in the Editorial and Charity market for nearly 10 years before starting to teach in 1992.

During his career Mark has produced four Monographs so far. These include work such as The Shipping Forecast (1996) focusing on daily maritime weather reports, Superstructure (2000) which was a documentation of the building of the Millennium Dome, The Treasury Project (2002) which looked at the restoration of old 19Th century buildings, and finally 26 Different Endings (2007) which focuses on A-Z maps and especially places that have not been included on the map due to the page ending. Mark Power went and photographed the missing places.

Mark Power is now a Professor of Photography at The University of Brighton.

Below are some images by Mark Power that I feel are relevant to my work

This Image by Mark Power could be related to my Wilderness photograph. The path in the image is obviously going to be different to the path I plan to shoot. The trees at either side though are going to be similar and the use of greenery will be evident in my work. I am going to use this image as inspiration in my work.

Again in this image the street in this photograph is totally different to my street. However the type of shot and the way that is is photographed isn't. I plan to shoot down my street as in this image. This is another image that I will use as inspiration to make some great photographs.

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