Tuesday 2 March 2010

Places Brief-The Wilderness

Behind my house I have a big lodge that is used for fishing. Beyond the lodge is a small woodland with a small footpath set amongst the trees that leads all the way to the local park. I want to photograph the lodge from my front garden as it overlooks all the water and its embankment. I would like to shoot this image in the daytime on a sunny day as I think that the sun shining on rippling water looks spectacular. I took a few images of what I want my final image to look like but I went out shooting late in the afternoon and the image is quite dark. So I am going to re-shoot again in mid-afternoon on a nice sunny day.

I imagine this image would look a lot better in the middle of the daytime, I intend to explore the different lighting at various times and the effect of different lenses. I think in the daytime with the sun shining directly above the image would be a lot brighter and the green of the trees would give the image more character.

For my second image I am planning to shoot a pathway in a secluded area. I think that if I shoot the image at a wide angle then the image will show the path leading in to the woods and going in to the wilderness. I haven't got any images yet for this particular idea but I am going out shooting in the next few days to develop this particular idea.

However Wilderness can also mean venturing in to the woods. I made my way through the woods to see what I could find that is linked to this particular subject. I find nature interesting and it fascinates me to see what nature can throw at you such as trees growing sideways. Nothing is finalised these images are just experiments

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