Wednesday 3 March 2010

People Brief- Research

I have been looking at the work of Irving Penn to coinside with this brief. Irving Penn was best known for his fashion and portrait shots.

I found the following information from Wikipedia
Penn photographed still life objects and found objects in unusual arrangements with great detail and clarity. While his prints are always clean and clear, Penn's subjects varied widely. Many times his photographs were so ahead of their time that they only came to be appreciated as important works in the modernist canon years after their creation. For example, a series of posed nudes whose physical shapes range from thin to plump were shot in 1949-1950, but were not exhibited until 1980. His still life compositions are skillfully arranged assemblages of food or objects; at once spare and highly organized, the objects articulate the abstract interplay of line and volume.[citation needed] Irving Penn exhibit opened in London on Feb. 18, 2009. His still life photography and portraits represent his clear love of capturing both the beauty and the oddities of life.He is most well known for his fashion photography, particularly his work with Vogue.The National Portrait Galley has procured 120 portraits, and the result is a spectacular exhibit that shows off Irving Penn ability to capture a person's essence. The exhibit will run until June 6, 2010.Although Irving Penn passed away last year is work will always live on.

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